Album: Landrus, PA
Date: 03/15/2007
Owner: Sarah Nevin
Size: 185 items
Views: 16751
Album: Fall Brook, PA
Date: 03/15/2007
Owner: Sarah Nevin
Size: 49 items
(121 items total)
Views: 26413
Album: McIntyre, PA
Date: 03/21/2007
Owner: Sarah Nevin
Size: 71 items
Views: 12501
Album: Masten, PA
Date: 09/11/2007
Owner: Sarah Nevin
Size: 8 items
Views: 8620
Album: Ralston, PA area
Date: 07/23/2007
Owner: Sarah Nevin
Size: 4 items
(64 items total)
Views: 9177
Album: Klondike, PA
Date: 07/23/2007
Owner: Sarah Nevin
Size: 26 items
Views: 13514
Album: Stone Mill, PA ?
Date: 09/11/2007
Owner: Sarah Nevin
Size: 5 items
Views: 4686
Album: Wellsboro, PA area
Date: 07/23/2007
Owner: Sarah Nevin
Size: 1 item
Views: 4673
Album: Morris Run, PA Area
Date: 09/11/2007
Owner: Sarah Nevin
Size: 5 items
Views: 6465
Album: Roaring Branch, PA Area
Date: 09/11/2007
Owner: Sarah Nevin
Size: 4 items
Views: 5379
Recent comments
show full show summaryHi... We were just at our cabin in Morris. I had no idea all those foundations were on Landrus road! We will go exploring them in August. Are most of them across the road from the stone marker and up the side of the mountain? Where is the mine...
Hi... We were just at our cabin in Morris. I had no idea all those foundations were on Landrus road! We will go exploring them in August. Are most of them across the road from the stone marker and up the side of the mountain? Where is the mine located? Is it across 287 near rattler road or towards Arnot? Are there ruins left from the mine? The ponds on Landrus road near Arnot, are they holding ponds from the mine? your Landrus blog up and running? I couldn't connect.
any other good sites around Morris?
Posted by Terri Henry on Sun 26 Jun 2016 09:40:25 PM EDT
Metal Detecting
show full show summaryHey All,
I have been metal detecting heavily in Clearfield County and would like to expand to Center or other Counties. I collect artifacts and display them to each area I find them. I operate by "permission only" and totally respect...
Hey All,
I have been metal detecting heavily in Clearfield County and would like to expand to Center or other Counties. I collect artifacts and display them to each area I find them. I operate by "permission only" and totally respect individual property. Is there any old Ghost towns like Landrus in Tioga County or Oleana in Potter County that can be explored legally? If anyone knows of an old, old, old, homestead that I can explore and photograph, I would like to know about it,
Posted by Bowser on Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:58:52 AM EST